How our Spotify pre-save follow action work to grow your artist, playlist and user following, and more. has a functionality that enables you to select which Spotify objects fans will be encouraged to follow after Pre-saving.
This feature is an iteration on pre-existing Pre-save smart links and is currently supported on Spotify Pre-saves only.
Setup instructions
During pre-save smart link creation, click the plus button as shown in the screenshot below.
A popup will show up that will enable you to enter a Spotify URL/URI of an artist, playlist, or user.
Note: Albums and Songs are not supported.
Once added, the name, avatar, and type of the objects selected will show up so you can verify your selection. Currently, you can add up to three objects to follow, to prevent abuse of this powerful feature.
Finalize the Pre-save smart link creation as usual.
Fans workflow explained
After a visitor clicks the Spotify Pre-save button and authorizing a Spotify account, a post pre-save page will show up where they can confirm the objects to follow and opt-in to receive future marketing emails from you.
Note: if a visitor does not keep the checkbox checked, we will not be able to collect their email address.
If a visitor wishes to follow some objects or not follow anything at all, they can click the edit button to check to change their follow settings.
Once the visitor is happy with his follow settings and click COMPLETE their Spotify account will immediately follow the approved objects to follow.
Important note: The pre-save action will execute regardless of what the visitor choose at this point once they have authorized their Spotify account and the visitor will have the music added in their music libraries on the release date.
Add your Spotify artist profile by default to all future pre-save follow actions.
In case you always wish your fans to follow your artist profile, browse to Artist Settings > Profile Settings and add your Spotify Artist Page URL in the designated text field and click Save.
Going forward, all of your pre-saves will add your Spotify artist by default to the first post-pre-save follow slot.
Note: You can always remove or modify that setting on a case-by-case basis.
I don't know what to do next...
If you need any assistance, let us know by opening a chat in the lower right hand corner of your screen as shown below. We're here to help 😄